Hi, I’m Cheyenne. Welcome to Living Lotus.

I am just a regular person, with an abundance of knowledge on how and why the body works, as well as how and why certain plants have the effect they do on humans. I intend to eventually become a Certified Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner-Specializing in natural remedies and herbal preparations once I finally finish my Bachelor’s degree. But for now, I will start with an introduction and talk a bit about how I ended up here writing this blog, and why you should stick around.

I am 31, soon to be 32. I am a mother, a wife, a veteran, a student, and a lover of all things plants. I am also neurodivergent, so people and plants are sort of my special interest. I have always loved plants and herbs thanks to my grandmother, who from a young age taught us the ways plants were used in Native American (Cherokee) medicine and traditions. Then, I grew up in a medical family, my mother, grandmother, aunt, and older cousin all worked in healthcare as a nurse or in the counseling field. Additionally, I have spent countless years doing independent research in plus countless classes taken at 5 different colleges, plus 3 certificate programs, and a diploma. You can read more about my specific evolution through my education in my About section. But, back to what I was saying, I will finally complete my Bachelor’s Degree this year, with a concentration in Psychology and Neurobiology. I have more than enough credits for a degree, I just have not stayed with one institution long enough to finish- but that changes this year. I am committing to finishing my degree so I can move on to my specialty training, only available post-baccalaureate.

Now, comes the reason for this blog/company. Despite all the knowledge I have gained, and experiences I have had. I still struggle. Though I have come a long way, and am nowhere near where I used to be. See, I fell very ill in 2021, and I lost over 50 pounds in 4 months. I went from doctor to doctor, and they all told me the same. “Your labs all look fine, there is nothing pathologically wrong with you. Maybe try some antidepressants and get some sun.” I cannot tell you how unhelpful that was. I felt like they all thought I was making it all up. Like I WANTED to be unwell. I was at my wit’s end! So, I decided to take my health into my own hands. I found a functional medicine provider, who ran all the right tests and actually listened to my complaints. Then I started researching on my own, putting together the pieces to understand my body and mind, became an expert in own my health, and learned quite a lot about how human bodies work in general. I am still on my journey to wellness as I have many obstacles to overcome, but I now know what I need to do based on what my body needs and is currently capable of.

During my research, I learned that I am Autistic and also have ADHD. Then I found out I have Antinuclear Antibodies (autoimmune dysfunction), I am hypermobile due to a connective tissue disorder (unsure if Ehler’s Danlos or not, but likely), PCOS, as well as a plethora of dietary intolerances and digestive issues. I’ll dive more into this soon, about my symptoms and the bodily processes that were happening to cause the symptoms. However, during this time I also began processing the immense amount of trauma I had been carrying around, integrating and healing myself so I could be a better mother, despite my failing health. The last several years have been TRYING, to say the least. But as I continue on my healing journey and reclaim my wholeness, I want to document my growth, and maybe just maybe help another person find their way.


Like the lotus, growing through the murky and muddy waters, only to surface above the depths beautiful and whole. We humans are a lot like that. We all have darkness we’ve had to grow through to reach the light, and some of us are still so entrenched in the trauma that it seems there is no light. But there is. So, here I will share my experiences, my knowledge, my cooking successes and failures, recipes to try or avoid, healing herbs plus how to prepare & use them, my daily self-care practices, mindfulness practices, exploring energy healing therapies, sharing various holistic treatments, how I overcame my own limiting beliefs, mindful movement exercises for where my body is currently at, and compassion and kindness to not only myself but others because you never know what someone may be silently suffering with. I often think back to how I suffered in silence for years. — Speaking of, I will also be sharing the nitty-gritty details of my life, how it has shaped me, and what I am doing to integrate and heal through my trauma. There will be bad days, and there will be absolutely wonderful days, but I want to share both sides. Unfiltered. Because growth nor healing is ever truly linear.

In summary, if you have old habits to break, old patterns to discover, old limiting beliefs, thought traps, chronic illness, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, hormone imbalances, ADHD, are autistic, got a bum GI tract, want to learn holistic and alternative options to health, want to schedule a consultation or book a workshop with me to see if I can help your specific circumstances, or just want to read about someone you may never meet journeying to wholeness. Stick around. But, I hope you’ll join me on this journey. I want this to be a safe space, a community where anyone and everyone also feels comfortable sharing their stories. And just remember no matter where we came from, the life we have lived until now, or the experiences that we think shaped us- That Does Not Define US! We can transcend our roots, and reclaim our wholeness.

One love,
