Blossoming into Wholeness

Hello & Welcome!

A Living Lotus is a symbol for personal transformation. I’m the founder Cheyenne, and for me, its all about embracing the cycles of our inherent nature and our many seasons. We all have tough seasons and darkness to grow through. But as we heal and grow we decide who we are deep in our core, and what we truly love. We decide who we want to be and what we need to let go of, then open up more space and freedom to create.

Our holistic approach is a natural approach to wellness, drawing from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, herbalism, and traditional living. To grow, create, and share. We also explore the realms of neurodiversity, psychology, and spirituality, always with a focus on research, understanding, and compassion. We are driven by a passion for creating and believe a creative outlet is non-negotiable. It feeds the soul.

We offer a variety of services to support and empower people as they create positive change in their lives, including herbal consultations, individual nutrition planning, and workshops.


Personal Exploration

Many of these conditions either myself or a family member has been diagnosed with one or multiple of these below. Over the years, I have done a vast amount of independent research combined with what I have learned through formal education to strengthen my body and reduce illness and disease. Here is what I have extensively studied:

  • Autoimmune Conditions- Antinuclear antibodies, Lupus, Sjogren’s Disease, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr Virus
  • Endocrine Disorders – PCOS, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, thyroid dysfunction, parathyroid dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency, graves disease, hashimoto’s.
  • Digestive Disorders/Functions- Gastroparesis, Gallbladder Dyskinesia, Fatty Liver Disease, IBS, GERD, Esophageal Dysmotility, Gluten Intolerance, Casein Intolerance, Gut Dysbiosis, Phantom Pain, Celiac disease, malabsorption, inability to digest specific proteins, dietary toxins,
  • Neurology- Migraines, Autonomic Dysfunction-POTS–hyperadrenergic, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Hypochondriac, Narcolepsy, Delayed Sleep Disorder. heavy metal toxicity
  • Neuromuscular- Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pelvic Floor Partial Prolapse, Connective Tissue Disorder, hypermobility with or without Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, Uneven hips-short leg syndrome, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Cervical Instability, posterior tongue tie, Spondylolisthesis (slipped vertebral disks), Hypertonic Muscles, Muscular Imbalance
  • Genetic Disorders- Lynch Syndrome, MTHFR Mutation

Formal Education & Life Experiences as we Journey to Wholeness


Argosy University

  • General Psychology
  • Psychology in the Community
  • Child & Adolescent Psychology


Fayetteville Technical Community College

  • Anatomy & Physiology 1-2
  • Interpersonal Psychology
  • Health & Wellness
  • Chemistry
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Developmental Psychology
  • ASL 1 & 2
  • Scientific and Technical Research & Writing
  • Phlebotomy Certification – ASCP


Jackson Community College

  • Intro to Physics
  • Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Sonographic Instrumentation
  • Medical Terminology

2021& Now

American College of Healthcare Science

  • Herbalism
  • Materia Medica 1, 2 & 3
  • Holistic Pathology
  • Aromatherapy
  • Anatomy & Physiology 3


Southern New Hampshire University

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Biopsychology


Maharishi International University

  • Ayurveda Wellness & Integrative Health
  • Consulting and Educating
  • Digestion and Gut Health
  • Yoga Asanas

Holistic Workshops & Retreats

Immerse Yourself in the Beauty & Nourishment of the Natural World

Our workshops and retreats offer transformative experiences that blend ancient practices with modern insights. Discover the art of herbal medicine-making, cultivate mindfulness through movement, or delve in to the would of sound and energy healing.

Whether you-re seeking relief from chronic conditions, a deeper connection to yourself, or simply a pause in your day-to-day, our holistic offerings are here to support your journey of growth, creativity, and holistic wholeness.


Individual Holistic Consultations

Meet with Me 1:1 Holistic Consultation

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for achieving optimal health and wellness. Our bodies are as unique as our fingerprints, and what works for one person may not work for another. That’s why Living Lotus Holistics takes a holistic approach to wellness.

Using the latest research, combined with age-old ancient wisdom from Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, as well as indigenous plant-based practices, we believe that everyone has a specific plant-based prescription that works best with their body’s constitution. By carefully curating herbal remedies to address and support each person’s unique constitution and individual health concerns, we can help you unlock your innate healing abilities and achieve a state of holistic well-being.

If you’re ready to take control of your health and wellness, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Together, we can create a personalized plan that will help you thrive.

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