About Me

Personal Experience

Many of these conditions either myself or a family member has been diagnosed with one or multiple of these below. Over the years, I have done a vast amount of independent research combined with what I have learned through formal education to heal my body and prevent disease or illness. Here is what I have extensively studied:

  • Autoimmune Conditions- Antinuclear antibodies, Lupus, Sjogren’s Disease, Raynaud’s Phenomenon, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barr Virus
  • Endocrine Disorders – PCOS, Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, thyroid dysfunction, parathyroid dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency, graves disease, hashimoto’s.
  • Digestive Disorders/Functions- Gastroparesis, Gallbladder Dyskinesia, Fatty Liver Disease, IBS, GERD, Esophageal Dysmotility, Gluten Intolerance, Casein Intolerance, Gut Dysbiosis, Phantom Pain, Celiac disease, malabsorption, inability to digest specific proteins, dietary toxins,
  • Neurology- Migraines, Autonomic Dysfunction-POTS–hyperadrenergic, ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Hypochondriac, Narcolepsy, Delayed Sleep Disorder. heavy metal toxicity
  • Neuromuscular- Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Pelvic Floor Partial Prolapse, Connective Tissue Disorder, hypermobility with or without Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome, Uneven hips-short leg syndrome, Chronic Pain Syndrome, Cervical Instability, posterior tongue tie, Spondylolisthesis (slipped vertebral disks), Hypertonic Muscles, Muscular Imbalance
  • Genetic Disorders- Lynch Syndrome, MTHFR Mutation

The Main Pillars of Education

Genetic Insights, Ancient Wisdom & Traditional Knowledge

At the core of my approach is the belief that modern genetic research and ancient healing traditions can be synergistically combined to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual health and wellbeing. Using many modalities to discover ones constitution, we can better understand different lifestyle needs, metabolic & nutritional needs, and even exercise needs. Gathering insight from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Polyvagal theory, Human Design, and modern technology.

Mindful & Intuitive Practices, Exercise, & Self Awareness

I also understand the impact of life experiences and environment on overall development and wellbeing. Unresolved trauma and unconscious cognitive patterns can wreak havoc on an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Using mindful practices, somatic therapies, introspective exploration, and understanding the power of intentions. I empower individuals to understand how their own thought processes, behavioral tendencies, and subconscious beliefs shape their present day reality, in addition to the overall health of the nervous system.

Individualized Nutrition & Handcrafted Herbal Remedies

Using the latest research, combined with age old ancient wisdom from Ayurvedic Medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine, as well as indigenous plant-based practices we help individuals create a custom dietary plan that addresses individual metabolic needs, food sensitivities, and nutrient deficiencies. Combining this with carefully curated herbal remedies, hand selected to address and support each person’s unique constitution and individual health concerns to support our innate healing abilities.

Formal Education


Argosy University

  • General Psychology
  • Psychology in the Community
  • Child & Adolescent Psychology


Fayetteville Technical Community College

  • Anatomy & Physiology 1-2
  • Interpersonal Psychology
  • Health & Wellness
  • Chemistry
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Sociology of the Family
  • Developmental Psychology
  • ASL 1 & 2
  • Scientific and Technical Research & Writing


Fayetteville Technical Community College

  • Phlebotomy Certification – ASCP


Jackson Community College

  • Intro to Physics
  • Ultrasound Diagnostics
  • Sonographic Instrumentation
  • Medical Terminology


American College of Healthcare Science

  • Herbalism
  • Materia Medica 1 & 2
  • Holistic Pathology
  • Aromatherapy
  • Anatomy & Physiology 3


Southern New Hampshire University

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Biopsychology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Holistic Mind Body Health
  • Neuropsychology+

Areas of Practice

Emotional Wellness & Mindfulness Workshop

Uncover the roots of your emotional patterns and behaviors. Understand the impact of childhood conditioning and explore ways to reframe your thoughts and actions through the art of mindfulness. Discover practical techniques to cultivate self-awareness, regulate emotions, and make intentional choices that align with your highest self.

Energy Healing Modalities Workshop

Unlock the power of your energy with this hands-on workshop. Explore the world of healing from chakra balancing to Reiki. Discover how these ancient practices can help you achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Participants will receive a guided reiki session, leaving with a deeper understanding of their own energy and how to maintain it.

Integrative Nutrition Workshop

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and identify your own unique constitution and genetic makeup. Explore the metabolic differences and use the principles of intuitive eating, to listen to your body’s cues and honor your individual digestive and metabolic needs. Discover the power of culinary herbs and ways to incorporate them into your daily life for optimal health and vitality.

Herbs for Health & Wellness Workshop

Immerse yourself in the transformative world of herbs and herbal medicine. Dive deep into the properties and applications of various herbs, from culinary to medicinal. Learn how to create personalized blends, tinctures, and teas to support your overall well-being. Empower yourself with knowledge on the healing power of plants.

Somatic Healing & Experiencing Workshop

The body holds the imprint of our life experiences, both positive and negative. in this workshop learn to recognize the signs of hidden trauma stored within the body and explore gentle yet effective ways to release it. Engage in somatic experiencing to promote physical, emotional, and energetic healing.

The Science of Sound Therapy Workshop

Dive into the fascinating science behind sound healing. Understand how sound vibrations interact with human bodies at a cellular level. Learn how specific frequencies can influence our brainwaves, emotions, and overall well-being. Explore the therapeutic benefits of various sound tools, from singing bowls to tuning forks, and experience the soothing power of vibrations.

Garden Therapy Workshop

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of nature and discover the therapeutic benefits of cultivating plants. In this workshop, you will get your hands dirty as we engage in activities that blend the tranquility of tending to plants with the mental and physical benefits of practices like meditation and reconnecting with the Earth. Leaving you feeling grounded and connected to the source of all life.

Breathing Techniques Workshop

Unlock the hidden potential of your breath and it’s impact on your overall well-being. Through guided breathing exercises and exploration of various breathwork techniques, you will learn to harness the power of your breath to alleviate stress, enhance focus, and promote deep relaxation. Discover the transformative effects of conscious breathing and how to incorporate it into your daily life.

Mindful Movement Yoga Workshop

Discover the power of mindful movement. In the workshop we will explore the benefits of integrating practices like yoga, Pilates, and intuitive stretching into your wellness routine. Learn to cultivate a deeper connection with your mind and body, while also unlocking the physical and mental benefits of these holistic modalities. Deepen your understanding of your own limitations and movement patterns to better support your needs and overall well-being.

Have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.